
i'm a software engineer and an undergraduate computer science student at ucf. i currently work as a software engineer at leidos, cae, gamesthatwork, and knighthacks, and as a researcher for ucf ece. i've also previously worked at darden, ocps, kelly, and itch.io. i work on a wide range of things, such as large language models, web development, and automation.

i have a deep passion for several fields in computer science, including machine learning, data analytics, full-stack web/mobile development, and computer vision. these passions stem from a love of learning and creating, and they thrive, as there is always something new to learn in this industry.

since i started working in this field, i've gained a wide range of technical skills, from time-tested to cutting-edge technologies. here are some of them:






ReactNext.jsAstroNode.jsExpress.jsTailwind CSStRPCBootstrap


GitGitHubJiraMySQLPostgreSQLPrismaDockerRedisSupabaseAmazon S3Jupyter NotebookMongoDBFigmaVercelVitest