i'm very passionate about contributing to software in businesses and other organizations. here are some of my experiences doing just that!
software engineer intern
working with LLMs and VLMs to improve spatial intelligence within artificial intelligence.
python, pandas, LLMs, VLMs, agile/scrum, jira, aws ec2, jupyter notebook, gitlab
software engineer intern
building applications to streamline operations for automation research vehicles.
amazon web services, react, vite
software engineer intern
machine learning algorithms for context-driven translation of user-facing strings.
javascript, node.js, python, html, css
software engineer intern
building devsecops pipelines with powershell and bash. also involved with sharepoint development.
powershell, bash, devsecops, sharepoint
machine learning research intern
working with neural networks for reinforcement learning, implementing dynamic programming optimization methods.
python, neural networks
software engineer intern
worked on a multi-purpose discord bot, club/hackathon website, and a monorepository.
typescript, next.js, postgresql, turborepo, trpc, amazon s3, linux
software engineer intern
worked on automating and refining a lengthy service management process.
python, java, javafx, opencv, scikit-learn, scikit-image
software engineer intern
worked on automating employee workflows. also involved with application development and data analysis.
python, java, javafx, opencv, scikit-learn, scikit-image, pytesseract, pandas, numpy, matplotlib, yaml
software developer
worked on a discord bot for hack@ucf's horse plinko competition.
javascript, discord.js, node.js
software engineer intern
worked on an admin tool and api for acm's website. involved with backend engineering.
javascript, node.js, express.js, html, css, mongodb
software engineer intern
worked on automation scripting with powershell. also involved with data analytics and software troubleshooting.
powershell, java, vba, operating systems, microsoft excel
software engineer intern
worked on sys admin automation scripting with powershell. also involved with software troubleshooting.
powershell, operating systems, microsoft excel
software engineer intern
built several games with c++, html, css, and js.
c++, html, css, javascript